From Tuition & Fees to Flash Drives & Printers – College Student Expenses
College is a wonderful experience where people find themselves, learn, and make lifelong friends. In addition to being an incredible experience, college can also be very expensive. Even if someone has received a full ride scholarship, there are still things that come up that need to be paid for.
The most important college expense is tuition because without tuition there are no classes and taking classes is the purpose of going to college. In addition to tuition, colleges have fees that they include such as the bus fee or recreational center fee. Tuition can vary in price depending on the college that the student chooses. In-state public universities will be way cheaper than out-of-state and private colleges. Tuition and fees can be paid for with scholarships, loans, or someone, such as parents, can pay for it. If someone is paying the student’s tuition, it can be broken down into payment plans or it can be paid at once.
The second expense will be somewhere to live. Whether it be a dorm, an apartment, or living at home, there will still be things that must be paid for. Living at home will be the cheapest option, the students will mostly have to pay for transportation costs, such as a car, gas, or a bus pass. If the student lives in a dorm or an apartment, there will be rent that has to be paid. Typically, freshmen living in dorms will be required to get a meal plan, which will be a few thousand dollars. Students also will want to buy groceries and eat at restaurants sometimes.
There are many other expenses that students will have to pay. Minor costs are deodorant, toilet paper, towels, soap, plates, bowls, and utensils are other expenses college students typically have. Books are a crucial part of college because you cannot do well in most classes without them. Books can be expensive, but students can save money by renting them or buying used books. The additional school supplies that students need also depends on their majors. For example, music majors need their musical instruments, art majors need paint and brushes, and chemistry majors need goggles and calculators. In addition to the extra materials, books are still required for most classes. Because this is the “technology era,” students will be recommended to buy a laptop, a printer, flash drives, and other electronic devices that can be costly. Many professors require students to dress professionally for presentations, so students need to buy business attire if they do not have it already.
The cost of tuition and fees, room and board, transportation, books, and other things can add up quickly. It is best for students to save up money so that they can be prepared for all the things they’ll need to buy to be successful. Always have emergency money because unexpected expenses can come out of nowhere. College can be expensive, but the experience will be worth it in the end when it’s time to walk across the stage on graduation day.
This essay was written by FTWCCU member, Nicolet Nathan, for FTWCCU’s Cash for Class contest. Nicolet, a sophomore at the University of North Texas, is studying Fashion Design.