International Credit Union Day
On Oct. 15, 2020, credit union members around the world will celebrate International Credit Union Day®, an annual event to commemorate the credit union movement’s impact and achievements. This year marks the 72nd anniversary.
Credit unions are not-for-profit financial cooperatives that provide an effective and viable alternative to for-profit financial institutions for more than 274 million members in 118 countries worldwide. More than 85,000 credit unions exist globally, providing a plethora of financial services for their members, recognized as a force for positive economic and social change.
Since 1948, International Credit Union Day has been celebrated annually on the third Thursday of October. Each year, the international recognition affords the opportunity to remember credit unions’ proud history and promote awareness of and support for the credit union and financial cooperative difference.
This year’s theme is “Inspiring Hope for a Global Community.”
Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, credit unions around the globe have continued to provide a high level of service to their members and demonstrated a generosity to their local communities that has set them apart from other financial institutions. We are truly inspiring hope for a global credit union community. ICU Day 2020 is a celebration of the impact credit unions and other financial cooperatives have made—and continue to make for their members. It is also a chance to be thankful for the lives and communities that have been improved by our movement.
International Credit Union Day is recognized by the World Council of Credit Unions, the global trade association and development platform for credit unions and other financial cooperatives, as well as numerous national credit union trade associations and federations around the world.