Things Your Parents Forgot to Mention
Now that I’m almost adulting full-time, I decided to share some wisdom.
You see, there was a lot that I was unaware of, coming into the adult life..
For example, graduating college is really cool, especially for your parents’ life insurance policy, which kicks you off as a “congratulations for graduating” type thing..
Also, did you know that becoming an adult requires you to make your own doctor’s appointments? Yeah, me neither.
Me trying to be an adult.
Life is rough. Here are a few things your parents probably forgot to school you on:
- Scheduling annual physicals/check-ups. All of a sudden you’re 25 and the last doctor you saw was a pediatrician. ZocDoc is a great online tool used for finding specialists, reading reviews and even booking appointments.
- Speaking of your health… Let’s talk about insurance!
- Health insurance… Get some. Because once you book that appointment, visiting a clinic or emergency room without health insurance is sure to cost you big bucks. Many employers are required, by law, to provide health insurance. Check with your employer.
- If you drive, you also need car insurance. It’s up to you on the type of coverage you have, but if you get caught driving uninsured, you’re sure to pay for it.
- Life insurance, in case you die… depressing, I know. But if you die without it, it’ll cost your family some serious money, even for small ceremonies.
- Don’t forget about homeowners insurance. The last thing you want to do is attempt to buy a house within your budget, only to realize that you actually can’t afford anywhere near that because you forgot all about homeowners insurance.
- Still not sure where to start? Being a member of a credit union can really pay off. FTWCCU offers TruStage insurance to members.
- Car Maintenance. Maybe this was just me, but before I knew any better, if there weren’t any warning lights on my car’s dashboard, I kept driving it. This is the easiest way to destroy a car. Change your oil, filters and top off fluids. I’m definitely not a car expert but I know that if I neglect my car, it won’t last nearly as long.
- Retirement… Because it’d be nice to quit working one day. If your employer doesn’t offer some sort of retirement plan, like a 401k, it’s all up to you. Start saving now, so you’re not freaking out when you hit actual adulthood and you’ve got nothing. Here are a few type of retirement funds to look into.
These are just a few of the oh-so-important things to remember when trying to be an adult. It’s ok to ask for help sometimes. I do it everyday. Maybe I’ll start a segment called Texts To My Mom…
How much should I contribute to my 401k?
What’s an insurance premium?
You mean I have to pay monthly AND meet a deductible?
This blog was written by FTWCCU Marketing/Digital Commerce Assistant, Sammie Arriola.