Simplifying Student Debt
So here’s the deal: Debt is almost inevitable when you’re in college, even if you got a few scholarships or qualified for some financial aid. The truth is… Even once you pay tuition, you’ve still got housing expenses to worry about, and food. Maybe you have a car payment. Unfortunately, sometimes this whole “college experience” digs you into a little hole called “debt.”
Before you know it you’ve got a car loan, credit card debt, a student loan, and your checking account isn’t looking too great. You can’t work a ton because your GPA will suffer. Maybe you forget to set up automatic payments and you have to pay a late fee. It starts to seem like this debt thing is a never ending cycle… So, what do you do?
Simplify. Make life easier. Worry less. Have peace of mind.
Quit freaking out every time you receive a statement addressed to you. Combine it all. Quit worrying about which credit card has the highest APR. Don’t fret about which student loan payment is due first. Combine all of your stress into one line of credit. Seriously, I wish I would’ve known about this sooner.
An Access Line of Credit can be used for anything. Use it to consolidate some debt, or make a down payment on a new car. Or just use it as a cushion for your checking account.
Perhaps you have a few projects you’ve been putting off… Like a new fence or replacing an A/C unit. Or maybe your vacation fund isn’t where you need it to be. Whatever your needs are… It doesn’t matter. Because the money is yours. You can transfer it directly to your checking account.
Stop paying banks and credit card companies 20% of your loan and credit card balances! It’s money down the drain. Trust me on this one.
Fort Worth Community Credit Union has an Access Line of Credit up to $15,000 at rates as low as 9.9% APR! That’s honestly almost unheard of. You can easily consolidate some major debt with that, and save some money in the process!
Visit www.FTWCCU.org or call 817-835-5000 for more info!
This post was written by Sammie Arriola, FTWCCU Marketing/Digital Commerce Assistant.