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Affording Your First Apartment

  • October 26th, 2018

Getting your first apartment is one of the big milestones in a young adult’s life. It can also be a little frightening since you don’t know exactly how much money you’ll need to get by. But if you follow these…

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6  Ways to Save on Car Maintenance

  • October 26th, 2018

I'm no auto expert, but when it comes to car maintenance, I've learned a thing or two. Preventative maintenance can go a long way in helping you save on the cost of repairs. Here are a few ways I’ve managed…

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5 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Finances

  • October 26th, 2018

We get money and then we spend it. It’s an endless cycle of giving and receiving. You might be used to asking yourself, "Where did all my money go?" Perhaps you should ask yourself these questions instead: What are your…

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How to Overcome ‘Credit Card Shyness’

  • October 26th, 2018

News outlets and credit card companies are quick to label millennials as being credit card-shy. According to a recent survey, millennials apparently fear their credit card debt more than climate change, the threat of war and even death. It may…

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College Tuition: More Bang for Your Buck

  • January 14th, 2016

College tuition rates have sky rocketed 1200% in recent months. In fact, some studies show that some of the facts I use are exaggerated or even totally made up.

On a serious note, college tuition is no joke.

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Saving for a Big Purchase

  • January 11th, 2016

The time has come. You need a new computer or maybe a new car. Mom and Dad can’t help you forever. It’s time to do it yourself. Here’s a guide to saving for a big purchase.


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Things Your Parents Forgot to Mention

  • December 21st, 2015


Now that I’m almost adulting full-time, I decided to share some wisdom.

You see, there was a lot that I was unaware of, coming into the adult life..

For example, graduating college is really cool, especially for your parents’ life insurance policy, which kicks you off as a “congratulations for graduating” type thing.. 

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