Saving for a Big Purchase
The time has come. You need a new computer or maybe a new car. Mom and Dad can’t help you forever. It’s time to do it yourself. Here’s a guide to saving for a big purchase.
The time has come. You need a new computer or maybe a new car. Mom and Dad can’t help you forever. It’s time to do it yourself. Here’s a guide to saving for a big purchase.
So you’re trying to be healthy now? Good for you. Unfortunately, it’s gonna cost you, whether you live at home or you’ve got your own place now. Fresh, organic, non GMO – None of this comes cheap. So here’s a How-To on eating well… with limited funds:
You need to read this. I know, I know. New Year’s Resolutions are tough. Whether you promised to quit a bad habit or start a new hobby, here’s how you do it.
Now that I’m almost adulting full-time, I decided to share some wisdom.
You see, there was a lot that I was unaware of, coming into the adult life..
For example, graduating college is really cool, especially for your parents’ life insurance policy, which kicks you off as a “congratulations for graduating” type thing..
It’s time to accept the fact that college is expensive. All of it. Tuition, room and board, meal plans, commuter costs, parking permits. I’ve never received a bill from my University and thought, “Wow, that’s pretty cheap!” But guess what I did? I got a degree without acquiring any debt. And before you assume that I’m 80 years old and college was cheap back in my day, I’m 21, and I graduated in 2015. So take my advice, seriously.