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Raising Your Chances at Landing That Raise

  • October 27th, 2016

Some people say “More money, more problems.” Well, that’s not what I’ve experienced—especially when it comes to negotiating wages and asking for raises. In the employment world, consider yourself a product and your wage as the company’s investment in you. It’s time to show the company a high ROI, and pitch the case for a higher investment. From economic inflation to employee retention, there are many reasons to ask for a raise. When the time came for me to request a raise, I took a few steps to increase my chances of success.

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Low Interest Savings vs High Interest Debt

  • August 19th, 2016

We’re constantly told to save, save, SAVE! Have an emergency fund, a rainy day fund, a college fund. But we’ve also been told to get rid of debt… To pay it all off… Don’t charge ANYTHING. Where’s the happy medium? Should I really have six month’s income in a savings account when I owe thousands in student loans? Yes and no.

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