5 Tips to Help You Save More Toward Your Retirement
Think back to your most recent savings goal. How long did you have to save in order to reach it? Was it a concert ticket or some new shoes that took a few weeks of budgeting? Was it a big-ticket…
Think back to your most recent savings goal. How long did you have to save in order to reach it? Was it a concert ticket or some new shoes that took a few weeks of budgeting? Was it a big-ticket…
As the COVID-19 coronavirus continues to infect millions of Americans, businesses are being forced to reduce employee hours or even layoff staff as they struggle to stay open. If your job was affected and you’re worried about paying for home,…
If you are one of the millions of Americans who has lost their income as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, know there are resources to help you get through this difficult time. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services…
Are you starting a family or maybe just thinking about it? As a new parent, you want to make sure you can provide your child/ren with a safe, secure home. In addition to getting baby gates and corner bumpers, it’s…
You did it! You finally got your degree! You’re probably going to start handling all your own finances too (if you haven’t already started). Here is some financial advice to help you get a good start. Student Loan Repayment In…
Buying a car is a pretty big deal, especially if it's your first time. This is primarily the first big purchase in a young adult’s life, and the start of your financial journey. Consider these tips in order to make…
Shopping for a new home can be very exciting! But not knowing what the economy will be like in the years to come can be intimidating and overwhelming.
Are you thinking moving and not sure which route to take? To rent or own?
There are a few things to consider when trying to
Asking the right questions is an important part of every financial decision you make, and home ownership is no exception.
Believe it or not, the holidays are here. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you probably only have like 6 more paydays till Christmas. Factor in your car payment, rent, utilities, tuition, happy hours – whatever you spend your money on – and you don’t have a whole lot left for gifts this year if you don’t take initiative now.
College tuition rates have sky rocketed 1200% in recent months. In fact, some studies show that some of the facts I use are exaggerated or even totally made up.
On a serious note, college tuition is no joke.
Now that I’m almost adulting full-time, I decided to share some wisdom.
You see, there was a lot that I was unaware of, coming into the adult life..
For example, graduating college is really cool, especially for your parents’ life insurance policy, which kicks you off as a “congratulations for graduating” type thing..