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4 Rules to Follow When Car Shopping

  • January 28th, 2016

Picture this… You roll over in bed, fumble for your phone and realize you’re late for class. Normally you’d just pull the blanket over your eyes and call it a day but today’s your political science final and if you miss it you’ll be stuck taking the course again next semester. And that’s not going to happen! You quickly hop out of bed, grab the closest pair of jeans and throw a shirt on and scoop up your keys, gum and deodorant. As you race through the kitchen you grab a granola bar and burst out the front door. “I’m going to make it” you mutter under your breath as you jump into your car and put the key in the ignition….then it happens. The engine sputters, the exhaust pipe lets out a loud pop and smoke begins billowing from beneath the hood. You sit there in silence watching smoke emanate from the front of your car while the bright red check engine light mocks you. Defeated, you slink out the car, slam the door, fall to your knees and let out a guttural yell.

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What I Wish I’d Known

  • January 22nd, 2016

In the spring of 2001 I found myself checking the mail daily, hoping that my very first credit card would arrive. My mom, who was always right – just ask her – had warned me of the dangers of having a credit card.

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Commuters Unite

  • January 21st, 2016

Commuting sucks. There, I said it. I lived on campus for about five minutes my freshman year. I loved it… Until I realized that I don’t like dorm rooms or bunk beds enough to pay $800/month. (Also, the food in the dining halls wasn’t as good as my mom’s.) I moved back home shortly. But, I will admit that commuting was difficult for me. That first semester, I lived at home with my parents, about 30 minutes from campus. Here are a few tips…

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College Tuition: More Bang for Your Buck

  • January 14th, 2016

College tuition rates have sky rocketed 1200% in recent months. In fact, some studies show that some of the facts I use are exaggerated or even totally made up.

On a serious note, college tuition is no joke.

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Saving for a Big Purchase

  • January 11th, 2016

The time has come. You need a new computer or maybe a new car. Mom and Dad can’t help you forever. It’s time to do it yourself. Here’s a guide to saving for a big purchase.


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Eating Well When You’re Broke

  • January 6th, 2016

So you’re trying to be healthy now? Good for you. Unfortunately, it’s gonna cost you, whether you live at home or you’ve got your own place now. Fresh, organic, non GMO – None of this comes cheap. So here’s a How-To on eating well… with limited funds:

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Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

  • January 4th, 2016

You need to read this. I know, I know. New Year’s Resolutions are tough. Whether you promised to quit a bad habit or start a new hobby, here’s how you do it.

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Things Your Parents Forgot to Mention

  • December 21st, 2015


Now that I’m almost adulting full-time, I decided to share some wisdom.

You see, there was a lot that I was unaware of, coming into the adult life..

For example, graduating college is really cool, especially for your parents’ life insurance policy, which kicks you off as a “congratulations for graduating” type thing.. 

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What really goes into your credit score?

  • December 17th, 2015

You’ve probably already heard about credit scores (thanks to all those annoying commercials with terrible songs), but what do you actually know about them? How long have they been around? And what’s the big deal about checking them?

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4 Ways to Get the Most Value from Your Tax Refund

  • December 16th, 2015

Occasionally, we like to feature guest posts from other organizations. America Saves is a non-profit dedicated to teaching people like you, me, us, how to be financially responsible. This post was written by Katie Bryan, America Saves Communications Director.

Tax time is one of the few opportunities when low-income households receive a sizable amount of money –

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